
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
device_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
ospf_instance_id INT UNSIGNED 10 null
ospfRouterId VARCHAR 32 null
ospfAdminStat VARCHAR 32 null
ospfVersionNumber VARCHAR 32 null
ospfAreaBdrRtrStatus VARCHAR 32 null
ospfASBdrRtrStatus VARCHAR 32 null
ospfExternLsaCount INT 10 null
ospfExternLsaCksumSum INT 10 null
ospfTOSSupport VARCHAR 32 null
ospfOriginateNewLsas INT 10 null
ospfRxNewLsas INT 10 null
ospfExtLsdbLimit INT 10 NULL
ospfMulticastExtensions INT 10 NULL
ospfExitOverflowInterval INT 10 NULL
ospfDemandExtensions VARCHAR 32 NULL
context_name VARCHAR 128 NULL


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
ospf_instances_device_id_ospf_instance_id_context_name_unique Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc device_id + ospf_instance_id + context_name

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