I’m a big fan of Fortigate firewalls. They’ve got a nice interface to work with, they’ve stable and they are like a Swiss army knife in our Network. It’s been many times where I’ve thought that surely we can’t use the Fortigate for things but time and time again they’ve proved me wrong.
So when I read about PorterLB and decided to try it the choice was easy enough as I run a Fortigate firewall and it has BGP support!
Want to give thanks to Christian Karlsson on NetCat IT for joining this session. He’s a great Network admin and he knows BGP like the back of his pocket!
All of the files/examples mentioned in this article are available here.
Table of Contents
What is PorterLB?
It’s a way for Kubernetes administrators to expose services to the outside world without using node ports. Instead of exposing your service with a random high port you announce its existence to your network using BGP.

Easy, just follow the steps here to install it. Rancher users might want to remove the default nginx ingress controller before doing this as at least in my case it conflicted with PorterLB. You can do this in the cluster yaml file here:
provider: none
Kubernetes Config
PorterLB BGP Listener
Ok, so here’s one thing that Fortigate could not do. It could not connect via BGP using a custom port. This could be a problem if you’re using Calico. Luckily, Calico was not enabled on my Cluster so it worked fine.
The following YAML file tells PorterLB that it should listen to BGP traffic on port 179 and that its local AS number is 64512. You can chose any private AS number between 64512 to 65534.
apiVersion: network.kubesphere.io/v1alpha2
kind: BgpConf
name: default
as: 64512
listenPort: 179
The peer configuration
The following configuration tells PorterLB that it should connect to to announce BGP changes. It also tells PorterLB that the peers AS number is 64513. If you already have an AS number on your site you should use that instead. I don’t have one in my lab so I simply picked 64513.
apiVersion: network.kubesphere.io/v1alpha2
kind: BgpPeer
name: fortigate-01
peerAs: 64513
- config:
afi: AFI_IP
enabled: true
sendMax: 20
Please note that the installation of PorterLB only runs one replica on one of the nodes using a Deployment. In order to get routes from all nodes I recommend that you replace the Deployment with a DaemonSet. Now, you can convert the Deployment yourself manually, or use the one I have converted. I suggest you do this right away. More on this topic here.
That’s it for the PorterLB configuration, let’s move on to the Fortigate configuration.
Fortigate configuration
This took a little bit more time but as a whole the process went really smooth. Before you start you need to enable the Advanced Routing feature. To do this you go to System -> Feature Visibility and click on the toggle.

After this is time to do some confiuration. You can do most things in the WebUI but there are some things that needs to be done in the CLI. The code which follows this list essentially does the following:
- Setting local AS number to 64513 (same as the PorterLB Peer AS number)
- Setting the router id to
- Enable multipath in order to let the Fortigate load balance between multiple routes
- Configure a neighbor-group which has the AS number of the PorterLB local configuration above (not the perAs number).
- The neighbor range makes Fortigate accept routes from any IP in that range. Since Nodes come and go in Kubernetes this is handy since it let’s you deploy a new node without touching the Fortigate configuration.
Here’s the full configuration. Open up a CLI, change the needed details (ie. IP, AS number) and paste it.
config router bgp
set as 64513
set router-id
set ebgp-multipath enable
config neighbor-group
edit "PorterLB"
set remote-as 64512
config neighbor-range
edit 1
set prefix
set max-neighbor-num 100
set neighbor-group "PorterLB"
Configure an IP range which can be announced
Next step is to prepare a range which we will announce to the outside world. In my case I used the example from PorterLBs guide:
apiVersion: network.kubesphere.io/v1alpha2
kind: Eip
namespace: istio-system
name: porter-bgp-eip
When you define a service as type LoadBalancer PorterLB will pick an IP from the range above and announce it to the Fortigate telling it that it can route traffic to this IP via the Kubernetes nodes. While the IP range above is internal you could easily do the same thing with a public IP range.

Then I took an existing service (istio-ingressgateway), added the necessary PorterLB annotations, changed the type from NodePort to LoadBalancer and removed the old nodePort configuration. See comments below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
lb.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1: porter # Added
protocol.porter.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1: bgp # Added
eip.porter.kubesphere.io/v1alpha2: porter-bgp-eip # Added
app: istio-ingressgateway
install.operator.istio.io/owning-resource: unknown
install.operator.istio.io/owning-resource-namespace: istio-system
istio: ingressgateway
istio.io/rev: default
operator.istio.io/component: IngressGateways
operator.istio.io/managed: Reconcile
operator.istio.io/version: 1.8.3
release: istio
name: istio-ingressgateway-porter
namespace: istio-system
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: status-port
port: 15021 # Removed all nodePort definitions from this list
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15021
- name: http2
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
- name: https
port: 443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8443
- name: tcp
port: 31400
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 31400
- name: tls
port: 15443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 15443
app: istio-ingressgateway
istio: ingressgateway
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer # Changed from NodePort to LoadBalancer
loadBalancer: {}
Verify that the service has been deployed properly by checking that the service got an EXTERNAL-IP from the range we defined earlier:
❯ kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-porter
istio-ingressgateway-porter LoadBalancer 15021:31644/TCP,80:32282/TCP,443:31786/TCP,31400:31723/TCP,15443:30042/TCP 30s
First, let’s check if you got the BGP session between PorterLB and the Fortigate:
fortigate # get router info bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 64513
BGP table version is 14
1 BGP AS-PATH entries
0 BGP community entries
Next peer check timer due in 39 seconds
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 64512 687 772 14 0 0 05:35:26 1 4 64512 670 756 14 0 0 05:28:52 1 4 64512 689 771 0 0 0 05:37:00 1
Total number of neighbors 3
Sweet, we have sessions between all nodes (if you only get 1 here, back track to the note about replica count earlier).
Next, check if you have any routes announced from the nodes to the Fortigate:
fortigate # get router info routing-table bgp
Routing table for VRF=0
B [20/0] via, internal, 00:00:24
[20/0] via, internal, 00:00:24
[20/0] via, internal, 00:00:24
You can also see this via the Routing Monitor:

Nice! We have a route! Finally, I pointed the DNS to voila, applications behind Istio are loading and we have BGP load balancing!
This started out as an lab but considering the small footprint and smooth management I think I will keep it.