PSA to PSS migration

We had been postponing this for a long time. The deprecation messages kept reminding us but we kept using our “optical filters” to ignore them. However, Kubernetes 1.25 comes closer and closer and finally it was time to bite the bullet.

What’s an admission controller anyway?

Simplified, an admission controller is something like a gatekeeper controlling what can control what gets let into your cluster and what does not. And that’s pretty much what PSA does too.


Yeah, confusing. PSA, Pod Security Admission tracks and optionally enforces PSS rules. PSS levels and rules determines the strictness of the rules being applied (restricted, baseline, privileged).

PSP and PSA are not mutually exclusive

This is good news if you think about it. You can play around with PSS rules in audit more while keeping your old PSP rules. This also means that you can enforce PSS rules while keeping your old PSP rules too.

With one exception in my case: I had to allow pods to set the RuntimeDefault seccomp profile in Ranchers PSP profiles by annotate the with”*”.

Being able to run them side by side is great because it makes the transition so much easier!

Don’t use the native PSA controller

It’s there, you might be tempted to use it, but trust me, you don’t. Pick another project, any really, is better than the native controller and you have a bunch of options out there for example:

  • Kyverno
  • OPA Gatekeeper
  • Neuvector

Why you don’t want to use the native PSA:

  • It’s not even a little bit flexible, you will very likely run into cases which is not supported
  • It can’t log events other than to the audit log, a log which might not be accessible by users
  • It does not have any interface to show the current Policy Violations of a cluster

Just… don’t… use… it.


We went with Kyverno because it was recommended to my by two separate friends. If you have time to evaluate more than one, go ahead, but this post will cover how we solved it using Kyverno. The post will not cover how to install Kyverno as there’s already good documentation of how to do that on their web page.

We had a few needs:

  • We needed to be able to exclude Istio sidecars from the Seccomp check (at least I have not found a way to change the Seccomp profile on Istio sidecars)
  • We needed to exclude certain checks from certain namespaces
  • Those namespaces still needed to use ie. PSA Baseline

Creating a restricted Policy

Since Kyverno Cluster Policies is evaluated one by one we can start with the restricted policy. Please note that this is not the same as the kyverno-policies package that generates generic validation rules. Those are great too, but did not work for sidecar exclusion, which we needed for Istio.

Let’s break apart a Cluster Policy and look at each section.

To enforce or not to the enforce

  background: true
  validationFailureAction: Audit

Here you can select what Kyverno should do if it detects a PolicyViolation. Since you’re reading this article you probably want to specify Audit. If you want Kyverno to block pods violating the policy you can pick Enforce.

What to look for (and what to not look for)

  - name: restricted
      - resources:
          - Pod
          - Deployment
      - resources:
          - kube-system
          - istio-system

Then we tell Kyverno to look for Pods and Deployments in all namespaces except the ones we can’t use the restricted policy in. In the example above we look for pods in all namespaces except for kube-system and istio-system.

The validation rules

        level: restricted
        version: latest
        - controlName: Seccomp

Here you specify which level of PSS to evaluate and which version. You can pick latest as version, or a valid Kubernetes minor version, ie v.1.23.17. This is also the place where you can make a general exception for Istio containers. Just make sure to make the pattern as exact as possible to avoid people abusing it to name images to something matching the pattern and circumvent the policy.

Putting it all together

kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: psa-restricted
  background: true
  validationFailureAction: Audit
  - name: restricted
      - resources:
          - Pod
          - Deployment
      - resources:
          - kube-system
          - istio-system
        level: restricted
        version: latest
        - controlName: Seccomp

Creating a baseline policy

Just because restricted does not fit some namespaces it’s not a bad idea to create a baseline policy for the ones that can run it. I won’t go into detail about each section below since they’re pretty much the same, except for these things:

  • Instead of matching all except a few namespaces I match against a specific namespace, in this case istio-system
  • Instead of the PSS level restricted I picked baseline

Note that you can choose to match against multiple namespaces here, or create one policy per namespace being excluded by the restricted policy, but do not that any exceptions you make will apply to all matching namespaces in the policy.

kind: ClusterPolicy
  name: psa-baseline-istio-system
  background: true
  validationFailureAction: Audit
  - name: baseline
      - resources:
          - Pod
        - istio-system
        level: baseline
        version: latest

So what did we get?

  • Kyverno logs any PolicyViolations as Kubernetes Events instead of Audit events in the audit log.
  • If you ship events to ie. ElasticSearch or Loki you can search, make graphs and alerts based on them. This creates transparency for the users during the migration to PSA.
  • Kyverno allows for a much more flexible approach and lets you also pick what to not evaluate.
  • Unlike native PSA Kyverno does not depend on namespace labels to know what to enforce. One less thing for you and your users to think about.
  • If you choose to do so you can also install Kyvernos Web UI which gives user a realtime look into the Policy compliance state of their deployments. This also makes it easier for you as an admin to follow up and track progress.
  • Kyverno has ready-made Prometheus scraping endpoints and Grafana boards if you prefer to use that for keeping track of compliance violations.
  • When we have reached a point where we don’t have any policy violations we can set the validationFailureAction property to Enforce with high confidence.

Kudos to the Kyverno people on their Slack channel which gave me a lot of help and suggestions on how to overcome some of the problems I faced. ❤️

Got any comments or suggestions, please leave a comment below!

2024 – Amendment to post

In the first version of this post I recommended turning off autogenerated policies for replicates and deployments. Turns out, this might be a bad thing to do.

Reason is that since you’re migrating to PSS from PSP you’ll probably have PSP running the cluster alongside Kyverno. Since PSP, unlike Kyverno/PSA is mutating pods before they’re launched PSP might “hide/fix” some issues for you in the Kyverno web interface.


You have a deployment which is not configuring runAsNonRoot at all. While Kyverno would log this as a non-compliance PSP would actually modify the pod before it’s started. This means that if you only check pods in your Kyverno configuration Kyverno will only be able to see the Pod definition after the fix. Hence, you might have a cluster which looks fully compliance, but when you turn off PSP and enforce PSA you’re in for a nasty surprise. Been there done that…

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